Online Intensive German Course at iQ Lingua

Online Super Intensive
German Courses at iQ

  • Learn German intensively for 2 months

  • Online live lessons

  • Next course start 07.04.2025

  • Only €4.50 per lesson

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Learn German quickly online - in a super intensive course at iQ

Sometimes you need to learn fast - or maybe you just want to learn as efficiently as possible and make significant progress within a short time? In iQ's German super intensive course you can learn your new language for 8 weeks and reach the next language level in just two months. At iQ you will find courses for beginners and advanced learners, for all language levels from A1 to C1. All super intensive courses take place online and are therefore open to German learners at all locations. 

All details about our super intensive German courses at a glance

Our super intensive German course consists of 128 teaching units per month, which are held together with our teachers as a group course. In addition, daily homework is an essential part of our intensive German course. A further 64 teaching units are provided for self-study, which you can plan according to your needs.

  • Duration: You will learn German super intensively for eight weeks.
  • When: The courses take place from Monday to Thursday.

  • Course units: In the Super Intensive Course you will study German for 3 hours per day. That is 4 teaching units (UE) of 45 minutes per day (a total of 128 UE plus at least 64 UE for self-study).

  • Course times:
    morning: 9:00 - 12:00 (CET)
    afternoon: 17:30 - 20:30 (CET)

    Note: If you would like to take part in our German super intensive course at a different time, please call us at 0800-202050542.

  • Group size: You will learn in a small group with a maximum of 12 participants per online super intensive course.

  • Levels: You can reach the following levels in the intensive course: A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B2.2, C1.1 and C1.2.

    Tip: You can find more information about the language levels at the bottom of this page.

  • Price:
    299 € per month (for 2 months)
    289 € per month (for 4 or 6 months)

    Starter package: You only pay for the Starter Package once. It costs €55.00 and includes a placement test as well as ongoing support and counselling during the course.
    For our super intensive online courses, we use textbooks from Hueber Publishing house, which must be purchased by participants before the course starts.

    Our top offer: Book your super intensive German course now directly for 4 months and secure a 5% discount on the course fee!

  • Course form: Our super intensive German courses take place online, but live with our teachers.

Your advantages with the super intensive German course from iQ Lingua

  • Icon: Erzielen Sie schnelle Lernerfolge mit Ihrem Sprachkurs von iQ Lingua

    Rapid progress

    Our teachers will guide you safely to the next language level - with participants at a similar learning level.

  • Icon: Profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen eines Sprachkurses bei iQ Lingua

    Many language levels

    Whether you start as a beginner or are already advanced: The super intensive courses cover levels A1 to C1. 

  • No long waiting times

    The German intensive courses start every month. So you don't have to wait long for the next course after registering.

  • Icon: Informieren Sie sich über die attraktiven Sprachkursangebote von iQ Lingua

    Hardly any equipment needed

    The only technical requirements for the course are a stable internet connection and an internet-enabled device.  

  • Fair prices

    The low-priced Starter Package and the low prices per teaching unit give many people access to the Super Intensive Course.

  • Icon: Bei iQ unterrichten qualifizierte Lehrkräfte mit langjähriger Erfahrung

    Exam preparation possible

    Prepare for your telc exam or comparable language certificates with iQ. We will support you!

  • Icon: Online, Inhouse & vor Ort: Nutzen Sie attraktive Kursformen von iQ Lingua

    Learn online

    Learn German from home - without travel or accommodation costs, simply via smartphone or laptop.

Video: iQ Lingua – Online-Coaching für Firmen

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Learn German online - it's that easy

Learn German easily and comfortably from home - this is possible with our online courses!

When you register for your online German course, you will go through the following steps:

  • Fill out contact form
  • Wait for a callback
  • Get individual advice
  • Choose a suitable German course

Inform about online German course

Customer experience

What others think about our language school

Progress quickly, have fun while learning and save money at the same time: That's what our students appreciate about iQ. You can read some of their testimonials here.

  • Everything worked out very well. I was very happy to meet Ms Soleimankhani through iQ, who brought me closer to success. She conducted the lessons excellently, everything was very well organised and explained. I can only recommend this lecturer. It was the right decision to take the course!

    (Nina L., online exam preparation course)

  • The number of course participants is not too large so that teaching and learning activities are maximised in online classes.

    (Elina S., Online Intensive German Course)

  • The teacher is very good. He knows how to explain clearly and logically. We do many exercises to practise the theory.

    (Malik T., Online Intensive German Course)

  • It surprised me how easy it is to learn from the distance. With the online course, it felt like sitting in a real class.

    (Luana W., Online Intensive German Course)

  • It's like being in a real class. Everyone has a speaking part and at the end you learn something.

    (Maxim P., Online Intensive German Course)

Google Bewertungen

Over 200 qualified language teachers

In our intensive German courses you will meet experienced teachers who have already worked with the German language in various ways. For example, we work with teachers or translators, as well as students of teaching or linguistics, in order to guarantee you good learning results and a high quality of teaching. 

Of course, the fun of learning is not neglected. Our teachers prepare the lessons in such a way that you learn in a variety of ways, different learning types are addressed and there is enough room for your questions. The interaction in the group brings learning to life and also allows you to make new contacts. The teachers ensure that the learning atmosphere is pleasant and relaxed.

  • Bild: Carsten Lehnert - Sprachdozent an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Erika Escher Jacob - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Etienne Förster - Sprachdozent an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: N'Tchombitche Seidou - Sprachdozent an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Klaus Schürmann - Sprachdozent an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Maria de la Maza - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Magdalena Hopfner - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Mariska Naude - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Lilia Kosova - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua
  • Bild: Ana Goldberg - Sprachdozentin an den Sprachschulen von iQ Lingua

When do the super intensive German courses start?

Our super intensive German courses start every month. This means you don't have to wait long after registering, but can start learning soon. You can check the current course starts at any time on this page or discuss them with our language advisory service. 

The learning groups consist of a maximum of 12 participants for the duration of the course, all of whom have a similar learning level. This makes the lessons particularly intensive and leaves room for all your questions. Speaking and understanding, reading and writing are as much a part of the course plan as vocabulary, spelling and grammar. To ensure that you end up in the right course, our language advisor will conduct a placement test with you in advance. This way you can be sure that you are really learning according to your previous knowledge and that you will progress quickly.

Our super intensive German courses are suitable for you if you want to make rapid progress in the language after your arrival in Germany, if you need the German language for your job or if you simply like to study intensively. You can also prepare for exams such as the telc exam or the TestDaF with us. For registration, prices and individual offers, simply contact our free language advisory service.

Language level A1 - C2

How to find the right level for your online super intensive course:

You speak simple sentences in German and understand topics in slow conversations.

You can understand conversations in German that deal with your everyday life (e.g. family, job or shopping) and reproduce the basic content.

You participate in conversations about your interests and understand coherent texts on familiar topics.

You reproduce detailed information from longer conversations in your own words in German.

You represent your opinion in technical discussions in detail and confidently in German.

You express yourself fluently, spontaneously and precisely in German on everything you read or hear.

Where do the super intensive German courses take place?

With iQ you can learn German flexibly: all intensive German courses take place online. All you need is an internet-enabled device (e.g. smartphone, tablet or laptop) and a stable internet connection. This means you can take part in the lessons wherever you happen to be. The self-study units are even more flexible - simply adapt the times to your everyday life.

Secure your place in the Online Super Intensive German Course now!

Fill in the registration form and reserve your place for 5 days
or book your online super intensive course and secure your place directly!


Frequently asked questions about our online super intensive courses

iQ Lingua's online super intensive courses are offered for all language levels. This means that both beginners and advanced learners can quickly learn German online. The super intensive course takes place in a group with up to 12 participants. You will therefore receive individual support.

Our courses start on the 1st Monday of each month. The next course dates are: 

  • 07.04.2025
  • 05.05.2025
  • 02.06.2025

The exact course dates for the following months will be published here on the website. The times depend on the respective level: 

  • From 09:00 to 12:00 (CET) online intensive courses for course levels A1-B1 take place.
  • From 17:30 to 20:30 (CET) the online intensive courses for course levels B2-C1 run.  

Would you like to take part in the German intensive course at a different time? Then please contact our language advisory service.

The cost of your online super intensive German course is €289.00 plus the Starter Package incl. course book for €55.00. If you book your course directly for 2 or 4 months, you will receive a 5% discount on the course fee.  

We will be happy to advise you on the costs at any time by telephone or via the contact form.

The iQ Lingua starter package includes the required online course book, a placement test and all advisory and other services before booking and during the course. We will be happy to answer any further questions about the Starter Package by telephone.

In the online super intensive course you will learn German with a maximum of 12 participants. This means that you receive individual support from our teachers and can make rapid progress.

In the super intensive course you can expect intensive learning units according to a proven course concept: Most participants can reach the next language level in this way within only two months.

We prepare you optimally for these certificates:

Secure your place in the Online German Super Intensive Course

Fill in the registration form below or book your course directly in our online shop.

Personal details
Start date of your German course
Conclusion, terms & conditions & data privacy

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