Learn languages easily with iQ Lingua

About iQ Lingua

  • Language courses for all levels

  • Qualified & experienced teachers

  • Over 45 years of experience in education

Call now for free: 0800 - 589 24 23

Learn languages easily with iQ Lingua

With over 45 years of experience in education, qualified instructors and certified course offerings, we are your partner for adult education and language courses.

Contact iQ now

Your advantages with iQ Lingua

  • Icon: Profitieren Sie von passgenauen Sprachkursen von iQ Lingua

    Qualified lecturers

    The language courses at iQ are taught exclusively by certified and experienced instructors.

  • Online or on site

    Whether at our language schools or as an online course - at iQ you learn individually according to your wishes.

  • Small learning groups

    With a maximum of 12 participants per course, we guarantee your individual attention in a pleasant learning atmosphere.

  • Entry possible at any time

    Joining iQ is possible at any time, so you can quickly reach the next language level.

  • Icon: Bei iQ unterrichten qualifizierte Lehrkrรคfte mit langjรคhriger Erfahrung

    Audited course offer

    With its broad range of courses and dedicated customer service, iQ achieved a score of 1.8 in the test by getestet.de.

  • Icon: Informieren Sie sich รผber die attraktiven Sprachkursangebote von iQ Lingua

    Tax deductible

    For private as well as corporate customers, the language courses are tax deductible under certain conditions.

We prepare you optimally for these certificates:

We will be happy to help you!

If you have any questions about our language courses, our Service Center will be happy to help.

Call now: 0800 - 589 24 23

Our locations

Our language schools in Germany

Become a lecturer at iQ Lingua

iQ employs language instructors with a wide range of experience and backgrounds. The key to our success is our enthusiasm for adult education.

As our language courses are wide-ranging and we continue to grow, we are always on the lookout for qualified instructors who can impart knowledge to our course participants competently and with a great deal of commitment.

To the job offers of iQ

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